Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mehndi (Henna) designs for beginners

Hi, everyone...hope everyone is having a good time practicing mehndi...

Today I am going to present to you some mehndi designs that you can use to impress your friends. These designs are simple enough for a beginner to learn, yet complicated enough that they will look like real mehndis. If you can master these simple designs, your mehndi skill will become presentable and you can quickly draw something to impress your friends for any occasion.

So without wasting anymore time, here are the designs I am talking about.


Once you are through with these simple designs, you might also give a try to these two designs which are slightly more complicated.

Another important thing is that it is not necessary to by-heart these designs as it is. If you find them too big at first, you can just draw a subsection of the design. Use your creativity - remove some parts here and there, add some parts here and there, and have fun!

Note that it is really important that you go step by step for your mehndi training. I know you would be very eager, but don't jump directly to these designs if you haven't done the basic shapes first. If you have got your basics right, it should take a few hours of practice to master these designs and become a mehndi artist. 

Let me know how you feel about these designs on my facebook page. Thanks. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Filling up shapes

So far we have seen how to join basic shapes into a composite design. These designs are good, but they still don't look like real mehndi because the shapes are empty. So the mehndi looks empty. To give these designs a more full look, you need to fill these shapes. Today I will show you some simple ways of filling up the shapes.

You can use any type of filling in any type of shape. Using a different filling for the same shape gives it a different look every time. This way you can add variety and richness to your mehndi. 

Note that these are not the ONLY ways of filling up shapes. I have just given some examples. You can use any way to fill up the shapes as long as it looks attractive. Look at mehndi designs by other artists to collect ideas on how to fill up shapes.

With these filling designs, we complete most of the fundamentals of basic mehndi designs. The only thing that remains now is to combine the techniques you have learned so far into beautiful mehndi designs. In my next post, I will show you some very simple but beautiful designs that you can use as your starting point as a mehndi artist. Till then, keep practicing. 

Thanks :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Starting to use a Cone

In my last post, we saw how we can join shapes to create interesting designs. Till now we have only seen how we can draw these designs on paper using a pencil. It is now time we start using a Mehendi Cone and start practising on your hand. In this post I will discuss some tips on how to get started on using a cone for the first time.

Choosing the right Cone

Cone Tip
There are many types of cones available in the market, and you can also prepare cones at home on your own. For starting, we will use ready made cones available in the market. Later, I will show you how to make cones on your own.

When you buy ready made cones, look for a smaller size cone. Smaller cones are easier to hold properly. If you can't find a small size cone, look for a thin cone. You can hold this cone like a pen.

Also take a look at the tip of the cone. The tip should be pointed. Ensure that it is not damaged, bent or the fold of the tip hasn't loosened. This will ensure that your designs are sharp.

Holding the Cone

Below are some ways of holding the cone I use. You can start with using any style you are comfortable with. Initially you can start practicing with cone on paper. This way you can become comfortable in using the cone before you start practicing on someone's hand.

Hope this post was helpful. Stay tuned and watch this space for more posts. Thanks :)